When we change the resolution from 1920x1080@No Scaling(Max resolution) to 1024x768 @ Full Screen, generally virtual mode set would be set by windows.
My requirement is, virtual modeset must not be done and the full mode set to be performed and handled by graphics driver.
Currently i am using SetDisplayConfig api for changing the resolutions, where - in, always virtual modeset is applied.
I tried various options by which it can be achieved but not succeeded. Any help is highly appreciated. :)
Thank You
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
References https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/en-US/dbfd8b5c-1e0d-4456-8236-7d5c717066af/how-to-disable-virtual-mode-set-in-windows-10?forum=powermanagement
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