I have an old printer driver (GPD + Print processor raw based) I need to update to make it compatible with Windows 8.1 .
The driver used the universal driver files (I only wrote the GPD and the Print Processor).
What is the recommended path to update it ?
I have already installed VS2015 + WDK, but I am unsure about rewriting it from scratch (as a XPSDrv) that would big a big effort.
Is it possible to reuse the GPD and recompile the print processor to make it work under Windows 8.1 ?
Thank You
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
References https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsdesktop/en-US/2521b640-44fc-4641-8cc5-37bafeaaa88a/update-of-gpd-printer-driver-for-windows-81?forum=wdk
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