You need to do some research before you spend money for any of these internet businesses. The following checklist might be helpful for you:
Are There Any Exaggerations?
Does the website promise profits that sound too good to be true? Do you believe, if a profit of 5, 10 or even more percent a day is realistic and does sustain? Some websites offer a profit of 30% a day. Others promise you to convert $30 or so into $100,000 within an unbelievable short time. An ad even claims: Be a millionaire in weeks! No wonder that these websites disappear within a short time along with the people’s money – or they just leave a lot of frustrated people behind.
Are the Contacts Reliable?
Is there at least a reliable contact at the website? Do they answer to your requests? It is even better if there is a working live support, a working telephone number (not just a recorded voice, answering the phones).
Check at Alexa
You can check at the Alexa website. There you can type in the URL of the website. Alexa shows you if there is a name, a company, an address or a telephone number behind the website. If it is a well known scam website, you already can see some bad comments about the website at Alexa.