Tata Network Forum (TNF) is a knowledge sharing platform comprising senior group-level leadership and aimed at fostering the spirit of business excellence across Tata companies worldwide. Facilitated by the Tata Business Excellence Group (TBExG), TNFs based across the globe organise events to promote closer interaction and higher knowledge sharing and learning within the regional Tata companies on a continual basis. A robust and effective platform, TNFs are leveraged by Tata companies to engage in information exchange, training and collaborative activities, to showcase events and put forth important marketing communication. They are also a channel for dissemination of group-level senior leader communication. Google introduced New Product Launch a unique way to allow the publishers to focus on what they do best. Currently, the Tata Network Forum has 10 chapters in Europe, North America, China, Africa, South East Asia, MENA and India. Each region has a dedicated Chairman, Convener and TBExG Coordinator to give advice and direction in the context of business excellence and ethical behaviour.