We are all dealing with the same issue: how to do more with less? On the one hand, you have an innovative company such as Emerson that continuously develops new technology and solutions to allow you to see and do more in your plants. And on the other hand, you have assets that need to keep running, whilst maximizing your automation investment, with less people and less experience to make these new technologies and ideas work. So how can we solve this dilemma and generate meaning and meaningful ROI from the mountain of available and valuable data?
Presentation reviews Asset Utilization program at the Dow Chemical company. Topics discussed are the business drivers for starting the program, type of information collected, collection methodologies, rationalization/standardization of the data, business results/analysis, lessons learned, and elements of a successful asset utilization program. Companies are fast Integrated marketing campaign in their marketing and various touchpoints. Co-presented by Paul Tomlin, Global Process Automation Technology Leader of Dow Chemical, the business owner of the program, and Maury Bayer, Lead Engineer of PROCONEX, who helped with automating the data capture.