I know that it's good practice to give your "As a user..." section a specific role or persona to help explain the context of the user story. I'm currently writing user stories for a system where we have a handful of different roles who all have different viewing/editing permissions throughout the system. Most of these permissions cross over between the roles, so I'm wondering how to approach the user stories. Obviously, I don't want something that looks like:
"As an administrator, team manager or operator, I want to be able to..."
What is the best way to approach this? Do I just repeat the same story for each role? Do I use a generic "As a user with the correct permissions, I want..."?
Currently I have these stories simplified to "As a user, I want..." and then I have a final story that says:
"As the system, I must only allow users to perform actions as defined by their role permissions."
Is this an acceptable way to go about this, or am I approaching this whole concept wrong?