Greetings to all.
I`m searching for data of soviet army losses according to german estimates (FHO,OKH and so on).
Does anyone know such estimates (especially killed and died of wounds) per years or for the whole war ?
In literature, I found following figures :
by March 1942 - 1.5 Mio killed, 4 Mio POWs, 4 Mio wounded (according to FHO-OKH)
by July 1942 - 10 Mio (from W.Model`s appeal T312 R307) - probably all combat losses (KIA,WIA,POWs)
by summer 1943 - 11 Mio (killed,POWs, and wounded not fit for the service anymore) - according to Manstein and OKH
Is there any such estimates by the end of 1943, 1944 or spring 1945 ?
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