I'm looking for good brands that make quality leather jackets, stuff like Schott who are reputed where you get the best quality leather for your money. Not something like Hugo Boss where half of it is going towards the name and the company is not considered mostly as a leather jacket company.
Also what is the style where it's like a normal jacket with a collar? I don't want a biker based one or anything, just a casual zip up with a collar.
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
Hey there, It's great that you're looking for quality leather jackets without the heavy designer price tag. Brands like Schott are indeed known for their exceptional leather quality and value for money. If you're aiming for the perfect blend of style and substance, you might want to explore options like the Hotline Miami Jacket. It's not just about the name, but about finding that sweet spot where quality meets style. For a casual zip-up with a collar that's versatile for everyday wear, you'll find options that capture that essence. Remember, a good leather jacket is an investment that not only keeps you warm but also adds a touch of timeless charm to your wardrobe. Keep exploring and you're sure to discover the perfect leather jacket that suits your taste and style preferences. Happy shopping!