The Ocean Genome Legacy (OGL) is another non-profit marine research ... USA), explained that alliances between the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sector with ... expert associated with UNU–IAS, makes several key recommendations. ... the country's interest in becoming an international player in deep-sea research.
Coral reefs are a precious resource in the ocean because of their beauty and biodiversity. ... tropical zones than deep-water reefs discovered recently, however much research into these ... Former coral reef in the Florida Keys, USA. .... Scientists active in the Global Coral Reef Alliance (GCRA) grow coral reefs and will even ...
The ocean has an interconnected current, a circulation system powered by wind, ... Results from these research methods indicate deeper, calmer waters can be ... and processes drive the ocean's global circulation system, playing a key role in ... and development of marine pharmaceuticals and biomedical applications. 3.
The Cost of Managing and Monitoring an Offshore Marine Reserve. ... Mineral and Pharmaceutical Exploration Opportunities . .... The sea has always played a key role in Bermuda's rich heritage, being essential for food, .... comparison site for ocean studies and bring more international researchers to our local marine.
European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) ... increasing and has the potential to drastically cut costs of deep-sea exploration for ... Specific Platforms using IODP drill holes is the key next step for ECORD; MARUM leads this ...Marine Past Global Change Study Eurofleets, Towards an Alliance of European.
hace 5 días - The ocean was once thought to be a bottomless resource, to be divided ... Earth System Governance Project Regional Research Fellow Coordinator ... Isabel Torres de Noronha is co-founder and head of the Future Ocean Alliance; she is .... resources for pharmaceuticals and conduct deep-seabed mining, ...
... also lured researchers and biotech companies to the oceans in ... barrier to deep-sea research and exploita- tion, some now ... compounds for pharmaceutical, agricul- tural and ...alliances between the biotechnology and .... of key policy makers in June 2005 and the ... international player in deep-sea research. Another ...
the National Ocean Research Leadership Council and ... a number of key fisheries management provisions. ....research activities with respect to deep-sea corals ... The U.S. is now playing a leadership role in .... respectively, the Gulf of Mexico Alliance, the Northeast ..... ranging from food products and pharmaceuticals to.
Critical Infrastructure for Ocean Research and Societal Needs in. 2030 .....offshore energy production, national security, marine ship- .... Plan and Implementation Strategy, with key strategies that ...... retardants, insect repellents, pharmaceuticals (e.g., steroids, ...... ODP and IODP has played a vital role in sampling oce-.
This report was prepared for the Canadian Consortium of Ocean Research..... significant research capacity in areas such as offshore oil and gas ... Due to its interdisciplinary character, ocean science draws on .... instances of successful collaboration