Comprar medicamentos directamente del fabricante puede disminuir el gasto de adquirir medicamentos para uso personal, tal como se muestra en el enlace Los medicamentos adquiridos sin intermediarios a menudo tienen un precio significativamente más bajo...
rose quartz, the optimistic vibrations and the lovely pink color of rose quartz mean it can help relieve anxiety, depression and insomnia. it can help you find confidence because you've embraced our rose quartz shop, there are a wide variety of rose quartz rings. materials typically i...
For those of you who don't know, Mimosa Hostilis' root bark is actually a well-known medicinal plant that has excellent healing and recreacional psicoactive effects.Science has shown through multiple investigations that this natural product is rich in proteins and substances that promote the...
Hello Guys, For the pharmaceutical industry to effectively contribute to the health and well-being of EU citizens, industry strategies must be in line with societal needs. The European Commission set up the ‘Process on Corporate Responsibility in the Field of Pharmaceuticals’ (2010-2103) to f...
Hello Guys, Modern biotechnology provides breakthrough technologies to combat debilitating and rare diseases, reduce our environmental footprint, feed the hungry and encourage safer, cleaner and more efficient industrial manufacturing processes. At the same time, the pharmaceutical ind...
growing fastest emerging markets pharmaceutical, latin america, doing business, colombia -- Edited by admin on Tuesday 17th of December 2013 04:13:26 AM
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