Hello Guys, As explained by CoinTelegraph, Bitcoin has been the subject of a massive amount of mining and purchasing over the last few months, leading to a number of rumors regarding the country’s desire to incorporate it into their financial structure. According to Daniel Osorio, from Andean Cap...
Hello Guys, Two weeks ago I had the chance to participate in the World Economic Forum on Latin America, held in Buenos Aires, and I took advantage of my time there to visit members of the Macri Administration and leaders of the business community. I have visited Argentina on various occasions in the pa...
Hello Guys, An industrial revolution has significantly changed the way we live and work about every 100 years since mechanical production equipment first replaced labour-intensive hand production methods in the late 18th century. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is happening now, less than 5...
Hello Guys, We concluded this year's World Economic Forum on Latin America with a discussion on the new agenda to foster development and entrepreneurship in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. All over the world, industry is being disrupted by new technology. What we have today is more than we dared...
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