You can get all the train travel recommendation from Florence to Castellina right here. We’ll provide up-to-date train travel information like schedules, travel times, and estimated fares from various operators. This information will enable you to make an informed decision about which travel option will suit you best.
If you’ve browsed the internet for genuine travel information from Florence to Castellina without success. Well, let me congratulate you for landing on this page. Here, in this post, we'll provide you with standard train travel advice between these two cities in Italy.
The distance between the two cities is around 56 km, and the popular means of traveling between these two Italian cities include cars, buses, and trains. But the train remains the cheapest and fastest means to travel between the two cities.
Traveling by train from Florence to Castellina is the most popular and convenient means between the two cities. With a direct train, you can save yourself the stress of driving a long distance. The average train travel time is 1h 27min.
About 17 direct trains depart from Florence to Castellina every day. The trains leave from the Florence Santa Maria Novella and arrive at the Castellina In Chianti Monteriggioni. They usually depart from the Florence station as early as 0435h in the morning till around 2038h in the evening. You can choose from the several time options, the one that best suits your travel schedule.
Note that the travel information for weekends and holidays can vary. You need to check before making your bookings.
Trenitalia operates the Florence to Castellina trains. You can purchase tickets for the Florence to Castellina train travel from any of the following websites: * * *, and *
The Florence to Castellina () usually depends on the time you're making your bookings. This means that you can get a train ticket at a cheaper rate when you make bookings ahead of time. The average price of a Florence to Castellina train ticket is €9.17.
Some travel tips to get cheap Florence to Castellina train tickets
Most European train tickets are usually open for booking around three to six months in advance. But if the bookings are not yet available for your preferred dates, you can set a booking alert to receive notification on the day the cheapest Florence to Castellina train tickets are released.
The price of Florence to Castellina train tickets is cheaper when you book in advance. The further they are booked ahead of time, the cheaper they become. If you buy your Florence to Castellina train ticket three weeks in advance, you can save on average up to 25% on the price of the ticket available on departure day.
Also, you need to be flexible with your travel plans and avoid peak hours. Many of the operators of train services increase ticket prices during peak hours. It would help if you considered traveling outside the peak hours to find cheaper train tickets.
Average train time: 1h 21 minutes Fastest train time: 1h 10 minutes Trains per day: 17 Cheapest price: €9.17 The first train departs: 0435h The last train departs: 2038h