Colombia’s automotive industry includes assembly of light vehicles and trucks, buses and motorcycles, and manufacturing of parts used in assembly for the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) and replacement markets. Together with repair services, the industry contributes four percent of the country’s gross domestic product and accounts for nearly 22,000 local jobs. The country has eight assembly companies, of which four are relatively large: GM Colmotores, Sofasa, Hino Motors Manufacturing, and Foton. These four companies account for a combined 96% of the country’s vehicle production. Examples of Case Study are used to help you see how the past projects and scenarios were addressed to market their offering and reach new audience. The top-selling brand in Colombia is Chevrolet; in 2016 it sold 60,087 units and had a 24% market share. Chevrolet has held the number one position in Colombia for 30 consecutive years.