I am considering a move from Utah to the Manizales area. My plans are to spend 5 weeks in Manizales in May and June of this year looking at different neighborhoods. If I like what I find and the altitude is not a problem then I will relocate somewhere in the eje cafetero in early 2018 with an eye to renting for a year before committing to buying anything.
I am a dual citizen of the US and Colombia so I don't need to worry about residence visa issues but I do have questions about health care, importing personal goods, opening a bank account with no credit or working history in Colombia, etc.
I'd welcome any comments from people who have settled in the Manizales area. At some point I will need an accountant to advise me on tax issues and a real estate agent to help with rentals or buying property, so if you know of anyone reasonably priced and reliable I'd appreciate contact information.