I have been teaching myself direct response copywriting and I love it.
I have set the goal of becoming world class in the next 10 years. 10,000 hours baby!
I have started writing emails for cheap with great results, but
I don't have enough volume to support myself full time.
If I could get a job at an agency as an intern being paid to write copy full time,
I have no doubt that my skills would ******* explode.
Can anyone provide a little guidance on how to get a job at an agency?
I've been trying for months with my dreams on the line, but
I don't have a college degree and no one is hiring for email or ad copy.
What would Gary Halbert do?
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
References: http://www.warriorforum.com/copywriting/1291244-how-do-i-become-greatest-direct-response-copywriter.html?utm_source=internal&utm_medium=discussion-list&utm_campaign=feed&utm_term=title
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