My first thread sharing with you some way's you can make your digital business more profitable through offline marketing.
First, you must add cold calling to your marketing strategy in order to create a first interaction with business owners.
Stop finding excuses for not taking the phone and calling business owners. Also, stop having these fears of rejection or failure because it's part of the game anyway and that you are here to make money selling your services (Use that has a motive).
The best way to offer your services to them is by creating first a human interaction by phone or in person.
Why use the phone? Because, compared to online ads, you are with someone LIVE and that you can counter objections with a solid script plus you can do this without leaving the comfort of your home or office. Also the fact that humans prefer to interact with other humans rather than with their computer screen.
That way, you can maximize your business leads volume.
Also, think about the long term value that you can bring to your costumer rather than pitching him your product/service straight in the face thinking that he gonna buy from you like a dummy. You must first build trust and your lead most perceive you has a specialist in your field. Long term clients equals long term relationship and long term money flow ;) ! Plus it can bring more clients through referral.
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.