Hello Guys, International companies. J-K is partnered with different clients in various industries such as Business Process Outsourcing companies, Bank and Finance, Shared Services, IT industries, Consultancy, Hospitality, Manufacturing, Real Estate, and other multinational companies...
Hello Guys, Open Access Marketing has been providing business process and call center outsourcing solutions to a host of international clients. OAM is experienced in designing, implementing and managing critical business processes and call center solutions for Clients around the world from i...
Hello Guys, Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) has reduced the thresholds for business premises. The attention of the financial administration has continued to increase. Since internationally mobile employees can trigger considerable compliance and business location risks, companie...
Hello Guys, The Forum for Expatriate Management (FEM) is a subsidiary of Centaur Media PLC, that unites the worldwide global mobility community via an online news and information portal and annual calendar of international events. The FEM organizes seven large conferences and networking exhib...
Hello Guys, The Global Mobility and Relocation market is in the same position as the airline industry was in the 1970’s, before the revolution of Low Cost Airlines Carriers or, as they are more widely known, Low Cost Airlines (LCAs). The introduction of low cost airlines changed the aviation indust...
Hello Guys, This contrast in size was also reflected in the differing culture of their organisations. So while Mark O’Reilly talked of managing more than 70 travel agencies, Kamila talked about the way that even a few hundred pounds made a huge difference to the decision making at the media company s...
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